So my boyfriend and I are planning a trip to Taiwan...But he's deathly allergic to peanuts. We heard they use a lot of peanut in their food. Is there anyway for us to avoid peanuts, or should we just not go ?? (I would really like to go to the motherland) Thanks!
Stephanie Lim Don't go, there are more peanut allergy friendly countries in the world and I wouldn't run that risk.
Helen Rea Zhang I’d say you learn the phrases for the warning “No peanuts, Peanut Oil or Peanut powder! Deathly allergic” and just always tell the servers or cooks. Always double check though and if they refuse to listen maybe explain that the hospital bill will have to be paid by them. That usually scares them into obliging. Food allergies are no joke but since hardly any asians have them they often won’t take it as serious as they should.. So as harsh as it sounds, reminding them that it would be their fault and money usually helps if they don’t take you seriously.
I would be most concerned about peanut oil being used... people are becoming more aware of allergies but things like oil and ingredients in their sauces are harder to "remember". It's risky if he's deathly allergic.
Joy Chi Victoria Chiao yeah he was saying if it's regular peanuts then he can at least taste or smell it before he eats it but he can't with peanut oil.
Joy Chi peanut oil is more expensive than normal vegetable oil so its rarely used in street food, but its so so risky. I feel like asians have less serious allergies and so awareness and consideration is pretty low... you might run into a grandma that thinks it doesnt matter when you tell her your bf is allergic to peanuts, and will ignore it thinking "he'll be 'right".
Joy Chi Victoria Chiao what if we avoid street food and go to restaurants?
Lee Hao As far as I know, refined peanut oil is exempted by FDA to be an allergen. Most ppl with peanut allergy can safely consume peanut oil.
Lee Hao thanks for sharing! Joy Chi if your bf can have peanut oil then it would be easier. My friend who has a peanut allergy (not deadly though) did fine in Taiwan, no incidents. She carried a card that said she was allergic to nuts in Chinese. If you avoid street food, you'll miss out on the best food in Taiwan!
I would then be more careful of sauces. And stay away from dessert places like shaved ice cafes. Ultimately it's up to your bf, its his health!
Olina Xie Joy Chi easiest way is to get rid of the boyfriend.
David Lee Olina Xie I agree.
Better be safe and don't go, unless if you want to carry lots of EpiPen and take the risk.
Lin Tan Yeah, agree with others, peanut oil is widely used and lots of things have peanut powder on them as well. There is likely cross contamination in many many places and a reaction could happen anytime. He could go but be prepped with medical info and Epipen. Maybe first day or two wear a face mask and see how his body reacts.
I live in taiwan. Peanuts everywhere.
Jodi Fei Sterling Yun give input as a deathly allergic to nuts guy.
Rebecca Chessman-Karst Just ask to not put peanuts everytime he orders something ?? and double check.
Misa Rati If you are allergic to penist than im sorry for you.
Louise Ngan I've been to Taiwan with a severe peanut allergy, just make sure you tell the server your allergic to peanuts and you'll be okay. Also there are some Taiwanese food known to have peanuts, just avoid those. I def recommend bringing a epi pen and reactine just in case.
Joy Chi Louise Ngan you were fine with just an epi pen? Did you avoid street food?
Here's a forum about peanuts, peanut oil, and epipens in Taiwan. Most recent posts from 2018; seems like it could be fine if you are very cautious.
TIL sha cha sauce has peanuts in it.
Jason Zhang Learn the phrase "Are there peanuts in this" in Chinese?
Joy Chi Jason Zhang he read that even if you know how to say it, they still put it in because they don't quite believe in allergies. I am also fluent so language should not be a problem.