How's it going everybody frost here in a beautiful Ken ding on the southern coast of Taiwan.
I'm sitting here on the most amazing Beach and I'm joined by fellow youtuber Wes Davis you
can go check out his channel if you click on the top corner of the screen and today.
I wanted to talk to you about like a thought I had you know a Taiwanese co-worker of mine
said that foreigners have like an easy life compared to the Taiwanese or even just an
easier life than if you just stayed at home and I wanted to get your thoughts on that and
see what you think so what's your question a bit but do we have an easier life what do you
I think my life is quite difficult man really to be honest why is that I mean obviously
it's gonna come down to like each and every person's individual experiences and like what
they do and their life and I'm an English teacher.
okay and that takes a lot out of you man yeah you know teaching kids every single day and
we love them but they honestly they need a lot of attention and as a teacher you need to
make sure that you're on top of things so I think being a teacher in general is quite hard
work like I think you can find it like a cushiony job and you know getting a job is pretty
easy where's back home you know like a lot of people have a hard time finding work our pay
the pay is a weird one because compared to the West our pays quite low but compared to a
lot of the locals here it's actually very quite good yeah currency we kind of like in the
middle middle income that's right exactly you know like we're making the same as like what
an engineer here in Taiwan I think so I'm not sure let me know in the comment it's not a
foreign engine no definite out the same as a for an engineer and the other thing too you
like the reason my coworker said this is because the Taiwanese are incredibly hard working
and it's not that foreigners are not but at least at my work they are the Taiwanese staff
is expected to do a lot more so much more then than we are and they don't get it brave to
show up earlier their to leave later they don't get a break like I can always go and get a
coffee or go to 7-eleven in between classes and the Taiwanese teachers I don't think.
They're really led to leave the school no my CTS don't get a break at all and on top of
that like you know a lot of them are parents so their mother's the the husband goes off
into work so they're expected to like work my my stuff maybe like ten hours a day they go
home they got to get dinner for their kids you know usually they just go out and buy
dinner because they don't have the time or the energy to cook and then they gotta help
with homework and they putthe kids to bed and they don't get a minute to themselves and
obviously not every townies person is like that but I do think that for the most part like
foreigners like we can just come down to here Ken ding on this beautiful beach pretty much
any time we want on a Sunday afternoon.
Exactly and it's like even if you wanted to take time off it wouldn't really matter cuz
it's like are you gonna fire me I'll go get a job down the street it's a shitty attitude
to have but when jobs are so available it's kind of it'skind of hard to like okay so I see
we're saying on one hand sure it's very easy.
we can come to Taiwan and get these English teaching jobs as Canadians as native English
speakers sure that's very easy and it's very nice but on a day-to-day level I do think
it's it takes a lot of work to teach kids like it's a lot of responsibility these young
lives are in your hands you know I I don't want to I don't want to show up to work hung
over or or I don't want to be unprepared because I realized I was a kid once and I really
loved my teachers so I want to make sure that for those kids they feel that way about me.
Yeah and that's at the day-to-day things a good point too because of course we to learn
the language and that's no that's no easy task prefer that's how I need to just go get
something to eat is easy for us that's like that that's a really difficult issue to do.
It's a mission it's a real hard thing to undertake because it's you're nervous you don't
enter the laughs you you might not know a word I can see kind of getting a little bit shy
when you have to speak another language that's why I switch the boiled potatoes.
Why is there potato on the table uh-huh.
It's a long story boiled potatoes every day exactly you have to worry about speaking to
people I like reading is very difficult reading reading Chinese is extremely difficult but
I just think like we have a lot more free time than
Taiwanese or put under a lot less pressure than Taiwanese we're reviewing this through the
lens of like a teaching thing that's because both of us are teachers and we don't know how
the rest of you know it works so I was just gonna say you know obviously we're teachers
and for a lot of people they're just teachers living in Taiwan but we're both youtubers.
Yeah so I teach till 9:00 10:00 every night during the week when do you start -
Okay I mean I have to be at work at 1:30 yeah so I basically teach from 2:00 to 9:00 every
day and I have to come home and edit videos and do subtitles and well that's our choice
right being like it being like a youtuber is obviously a lot more difficult because to
find the time toedit videos is really difficult because honestly I don't know about you
for to me make a 10 minute video takes me.
I've actually straighten it out it's about an hour per minute of video yeah of your videos
10 minutes a 10 hour about 10 i when I was of editing yeah that's our choice you know like
you don't obviously not everyone that's gonna come here is gonna be a youtuber so let me
ask you this how difficult is life as a foreigner here in Taiwan just day today.
Yeah it's extremely easy yeah I love being I love living in Taiwan I just had my scooter I
Drive to work I know I know see that dope-ass sunset check that out and that's something
so beautiful man.
Yeah and in Taiwan we have we have opportunities like this to come down there one of the
most beautiful beaches you've ever seen you could be in Thailand or Cambodia or
Philippines right now but we're in Taiwan you know it's a couple hours drive down there
absolutely and you know.
I'll compare it to China because you know I did live there mmm and I will say life is a
lot better here a lot of people comment on my videos and say much how half much happier I
am really here in Taiwan yeah that's true because you know back in China you do have to
deal with a lot of nonsense like third-world nonsense in China isn't a third-world country
It'sdeveloping and it's come a long way don't get me wrong they've done what they've done
they've worked miracles really to come as far as they've come yeah but as a foreigner I
know only 15 years or something yeah and as a foreigner to deal with people being impolite
being not very courteous you know the population is extremely high and you're kind of
stuck in the middle of that you know people screw you over people aren't fair and you
don't really have to deal with that here in Taiwan.
You know and also oh in that sense Taiwan is so much easier yeah exactly nobody gives us a
hard time people are so friendly they're so nice they're so cool yes they're so helpful
yeah and the Taiwanese are amazing that's yeah you're very much right and I've met a lot
of amazing people back in mainland China as well yeah but you know.
I also meet your fair share of no wrongdoers will say hey and it's just like that you know
there's that famous video that guy who like I wanted to try and get a seat on the subway
and so he just dropped in the middle of the of the aisle and pretend to have a seizure and
literally like 20 people stood up and ran away from him what yeah and then he like stood
up and got his seat which isreally funny because he kind of is using that he's kind of
showing that lack of public courtesy in a humorous way baby I want to be the opposite
people that absolutely will not happen people are more than willing to come and help I
find what I'm lost or I need help in public I need to know where.
I'm going they're there they're incredibly helpful and you know they also don't have like
that nationalistic view where public opinion of foreigners is like so volatile it changes
almost by the day and so that kind of sucks like not you know always being welcomed when
something happens politically and that just doesn't really seem to be the case here in
Taiwan anyways I think that's pretty much all we had to say yeah so we enjoy this gorgeous
sunset we got behind.
It here this is the most beautiful thing.
I've ever seen God's great just going to have to interrupt was and I for a quick SEC
because it's comments time this is the part of the video where I take last week's videos
top comment the most uploaded comment and read it here in the channel regardless of the
contents of that comment and last week's video was the Taiwanese people love the weirdest
tourist attractions where I go to different well weird tourist attractions and the most up
voted comment actually comes from fellow youtubers Xiao Fei and he says it's weird but in
the USA we have the largest ball of twine carhenge and corn palace so I guess we're not so
different after all I'm not sure what the carhenge thing is but I'd go see that and one.
I'm just gonna cheat a little bit really quick here one comes from Bobby and hidden he
said I went by the way I went to go visit a mountain of salt and he said it's not rock
salt it's just been mined from the wool mouth since the Hong Kong election results.
Which I thought was very clever and if you want to know more about the Hong Kong situation
let me know in the comments down below and I'll think about making a video about what's
going on in Hong Kong it's a very complicated situation anyways back to me and was and
anyways my name is project me out on Instagram to follow me on day-to-day life of Crosby
on the score as Mars West Davies West Davies west of the Sun on Instagram thank you
everyone for watching I gotta make sure you're like either west or east of the set of...
I'm East
but anyways consider following me on patreon if you wanna see some extra content there but
in that book go get some food and then join the rest of our time in there yeah okay stay
positive keep you're sick of me nice catch you guys I'm a next one alright guys so this
video is not long enough yet so I figured I'd take this opportunity to respond to Wes who
took my camera when I went to sleep that night and managed to tell me that heloves me six
different times that I don't want to get into you hey brah see I know you're gonna be
seeing this footage when you're editing.
We love you just know that I Love You Man sending all the love sending all the love love
you buddy love you dude love you dude I love you too Wes.