A Beijing half marathon is being investigated after three runners appeared to let a Chinese athlete win.
The 13-mile run on Sunday was won by He Jie, a member of China's marathon team and national marathon record holder.
That's how loans are paid.
true words sir.. must pay back the master.
I am sure the bag was heavy enough to slow them down.
Rumor has it that those bros are presently on a paid vacation in the Bahamas lmao.
Well maybe they paid them well to lose.
They're not even sweating.
It’s all about inclusion and diversity. Maybe the Chinese runner felt like a winner that day.
at their faces all relaxed and then look at the Chinese man’s face.
maybe a cheque came through in advance.
they were told to have some respect for a serious pay.
reminds me of the scene from the movie Dictator.
When an african don't win a marathon you know summit fishy.
So it’s like Formula 1. What is the problem.
所以就像一級方程式。 有什麼問題。
That’s how loans are paid.
Typically China.
As a Chinese, I can say it’s a shame.
three runners thought mistakenly that it was a full marathon.
and guess a lawyer can put this through as a reasonable excuse.
He looks very happy to be allowed to win.
It’s just like conducting an election in North Korea…
Clearly that was fixed Chinese can’t win at everything and bribe everyone.
Don’t worry about us
We are just looking for alternative ways to repay our debts.
Communist what do you expect.
cant trust anything the communist chinese do. They always cheat.
From the depth of my heart, I'm posting this here to appreciate the wonderful job done.發自內心深處,我將此發佈在此,以欣賞這份工作的美好。
One Belt One Road Friendship.
You can tell it was difficult for them to slow down for someone who was about to die.你可以看出他們很難放慢速度,對於一個即將死亡的人來說
Need those Chinese infrastructure loans in their town.
Nothing new here.... happens with pro cycling in China also... just a procession/show same as soccer
這裡沒什麼新東西.... 在中國也發生了自行車運動... 只是一個遊行/表演和足球一樣
We have bills to pay baba lol
they gave money to those 3 runners, china.
I believe they value their lives.
Ever heard of pacemakers?聽說過配速器嗎?
China man running like his life depends on it, because it does.
Rigged. No room for such unethical corruption in sport.
操縱。 體育中沒有如此不道德的腐敗空間。
Ccp pays well for cheating.
Debt cancellation for Kenya and Ethiopia.
How Much Will China Risk for Taiwan? – Sarah Paine (Naval War College)
This is what's so tragic about China
think about how many people have been
lifted out of poverty so many since dung
sha ping hundreds of millions it is a
great achievement of our lifetimes it's
happened since you were born and why did
that happen it's China's reintegration
into the rest of the world of joining
the maritime order following the basic
credit card rules of paying for
transactions and then your transactions
are also guaranteed that is the win for
China the true win and taking Taiwan who
needs it the Taiwanese are perfectly
fine doing their own thing and they've
made it clear they don't want to be
taken over by force who would be so the
problem in China is the Communist party
wants to maintain its Monopoly on Power
and for a while there under dun sha ping
that worked because the reforms that
they wanted to make for agriculture and
things they can M maintain their
Monopoly of power and but do things that
AOW people to get much wealthier right
and so that went in tandem for a number
of years now we're at the inflection
point where you have a lot of educated
people and businesses who are really
integrated in the world and they want to
make autonomous decisions also you want
it with some very large very successful
companies and they have quite a bit of
cloud and the Communist Party worries
about this because what what do people
want at that point it's probably some
influence over political decisions and
the Communist party is said that's off
the table a lot of westerners when they
think of governments think about
governments operating in interest of
their population so when their decisions
don't improve standards of living
security and things then we say those
aren't good decisions all right but
that's not the game in China for
instance it's all about maintaining the
Monopoly of the Chinese Communist party
to rule and if that conflicts with
having higher living standards you
better believe they're choosing
Communist party so you're watching those
kind of decisions going on right now
where their most talented entrepreneurs
are being uh relieved of their
Enterprises and so it used to claim the
moral rectitude card well they can't do
that anymore they're so corrupt and they
used to claim the economic growth card
well that one's going away so they're
left with one card it's the nationalism
card and they're playing it butt hard
because it's a unifying thing for
Chinese for the Han ethnic group in
China um who constitute the overwhelming
majority uh that Taiwan should be theirs
it's a mistake it will be a pivotal
error if they make that mistake if you
listen to their speeches they tell you
they're going to do it right they're
consistent and uh the West learned that
you read improbable speeches right
people read mind comp and said oh this
is a nut case no one would ever do that
well it quite accurately represented
people even in dictatorships they have
to transmit message to population and
they quite often very accurately tell
you what they're going to do Putin has
been quite clear what he's been up to
Stalin was very clear what he was up to
so let's judge xiin ping at his word and
he says he's going to go for it for the
People's Republic to take Taiwan I
presume it's going to begin with an
artillery barrage I presume that's going
to be leveling Taiwanese cities right
which watched how it goes in Ukraine I
can't imagine the Chinese being less
brutal they'll hurt themselves whereas
if they just ignore the Taiwan thing and
say oh they're so annoying let them run
their own place who wants them anyway
and then trade with them they'll both
make money the global order it's based
on sovereignty if you allow this doesn't
mean you have to go to a nuclear war you
just never recognize whatever it is and
then uh you sanction China from then
until Kingdom Come so that they are not
part of the maritime trading order and
um you tell them they need to cough up
Taiwan this is how sanctions work people
look at sanctions and go ah they don't
work because you don't make the
whoever's annoying you change whatever
they're doing what they do do is they
suppress growth so that whoever is
annoying you over time you're stronger
and they're weaker and the example of
the impact of sanctions is compar North
and South Korea right it's it's powerful
over several Generations
I recently found this lady and i cant get enough of her. She should be advising our state department and giving lectures on tv.
Same here. Popped up yesterday for me and I've been looking for her talks every since.
She has been a professor at the US naval war college since 2000, she has multiple books out you can read.