Is green a good color for a ca

bridget fonda


Amazing! 2025 Suzuki Jimny Sierra Small Pickup Truck REVEALED


birds of a feather flock together  意思  物以類聚,人以群分。

Hahaha, psychology of life, psychology of fear. I like to hire him for California salesperson.

Someone please give these two a show.

Sister Tries To Sell Her Brother To The Pet Store

Little girls first flirtation FAIL!! It's Epic!

Video shows two cyclists hit by SUV outside DFW Airport

He's not just a man he's 'THE' man

What will happen when a spider meets a cockroach.)

"Bushman Strikes Again: Non-Stop Coin Drop Prank!"

Bushman Prank. they fell in love with bushman.!!

I just realize how good my childhood was without phones, tablet and the internet in general.

每個人都應該知道的 15 個紮線帶驚人技巧 - 第 2 部分

這不叫全民買單,這叫大家一起來負擔。 . . . 整天扯一些小東西 . . . 但未來總統要管的 . . .不一定是這些 . . . 人民自己要被騙 . . . 不必去查 . . . 社會正常社交活動 . . . 不必去查 . . .


Yes...more grocery store theft.

 "Theft" is a noun; it is an act of stealing. "We were all surprised by the theft of the statue." "Thief" is also a noun; it is a person who ...
thief:是一般的'小偷',專門偷(steal) 東西。 robber:是搶人東西的歹徒,專門搶(rob) 建築物或人。 burglar:是要進入建築物才偷東西的歹徒,專門 ...
thief, 一個小偷. burglar, 一個潛入房子的小偷. 小偷屬性, 行為. thief, theft. robber, robbery. burglar, burglary.
Very nice what the people from Norway are doing here.  來自挪威的人在這裡做的事情非常好。
Read the earlier comments that this isn't a standard procedure in Norway. Facebook trash.  閱讀之前的評論,這不是挪威的標準程序。 臉書垃圾。
I'm from Norway, and I don't recognize this phenomenon at all. 😅 I think it's just some more Facebook crap.  我來自挪威,完全不認識這種現象。 😅 我覺得這只是更多的臉書廢話。
Probably a few individuals done it and now they think the whole country does ...  大概有幾個人做過,現在他們認為整個國家都做過...
still a very great gesture for others maybe they did it before your time.  對別人來說仍然是一個非常棒的姿勢,也許他們在你之前就做到了。
would be nice if it was true.
and I wouldn’t have thought Norwegians would use plastic bags 🤔 They’d rather leave the apples in a big carton, I’m sure.  我不會想到挪威人會使用塑料袋 🤔 他們寧願把蘋果留在一個大紙箱裡,我確定。
we use ALOT of plastics!!! So many myth's about Norwegians, I think. But, in this case. Plastic bags are a VERY bad idea anyway.  我們使用了很多塑料!!! 我想,很多關於挪威人的神話。 但在這種情況下。 反正塑料袋是個非常糟糕的主意。
thanks for letting me know, although I am VERY surprised. Even in New Zealand we have a zero plastics policy for supermarkets and in Switzerland it’s been very green for decades. I would’ve truly thought that Norway/Scandinavia would have similar green initiatives?  謝謝你讓我知道,雖然我很驚訝。 即使在紐西蘭,我們對超市有零塑膠政策,在瑞士,幾十年來一直非常綠色。 我真心以為挪威/斯堪地那維亞會有類似的綠色倡議?
Same here! But maybe there are some warm-hearted people some place in Norway who do this, I would love to be their neighbour!  也一樣! 但也許挪威某個地方有些暖心的人會這樣做,我很想成為他們的鄰居!
you’re probably correct.
it was one lady that did it.
She probably used what she had.
any plans on moving to the US anytime soon? Yeah, I didn't think so.  有任何計劃即將移居美國嗎? 是的,我不這麼認為。
Way to be Negative!!!  消極的方式!!!
That really is a shame. It does shine a very nice light on Norway but even if it's false, it's something I wish was global.  那真的太可惜了。 它確實照耀著挪威的光芒,但即使是假的,我希望是全球的。 are saying this does not happen in Norway that you know of? Thank you for telling the truth.  哇... 你是說這不是發生在你所知道的挪威? 謝謝你說實話。
And you were in Norway last???  
maybee certain neighborhoods or whatever y'all call them there.  某些社區或者你們在那裡叫他們什麼。
In my country we collect these and turn them into fine distilled alcohol and then drink it together enjoying the mutually spent time even better while singing songs, having fun and the best times of our lives. Cheers!  在我的國家,我們將這些收集起來,變成精緻的蒸餾酒,然後一起喝,享受相互度過的時光,一邊唱著歌,一邊享受生活中最美好的時光。 乾杯!
Which country is this?
Sure, why not? Buy a big cattle next time and feed the neighbor while you sing songs.  當然,為什麼不呢? 下次買隻大牛,邊唱歌邊餵鄰居。
Less people would be hungry if everyone did this,this is awesome.  如果每個人都這樣做,人少會餓,這太棒了
we all do
This with our citrus where I live.  我們都做
that's so awesome with my 25 year old son chosing to be on the streets with his addiction until he's ready for change,a mother like me worries to death but if there was water available and things like fruit i could worry a tad bit less cause fruit can help people survive.  這太棒了,我25歲的兒子選擇在街頭上,直到他準備好改變,像我這樣的母親會擔心到死,但如果有水可用,像水果之類的東西,我可以少擔心一點,因為水果可以 幫助人們生存。
Good idea but definitely need to leave some on the ground to rot for the insects to feed on and live in.  好主意,但肯定需要留一些在地上腐爛,讓昆蟲覓食和生活。
Deer love them, too.  鹿也愛他們。
youre right the eco system could use help with balance. Even the bugs have their purpose lol  你沒錯,生態系統可以使用平衡的幫助。 即使是蟲子也有它的目的 lol
Oh my! How selfless and kind! This touches my heart!  哦,我的天! 多麼無私善良! 這觸動我的心! 
In America, someone would come and take them all and sell them.  
that’s the first thing that came to my mind, sadly.  這是我腦海中第一個浮現的,可悲的是。
or someone would claim to have gotten sick from them and try to sue.   或者有人聲稱從他們身上生病並試圖起訴。
jesus really? What a f….. up world! What’s happened to just common decent niceness?!  耶穌真的嗎? 真是太棒了... 世界! 只是常見的體面是怎麼回事?!
true story.
true, gta make a dollar this day and age but we do have community gardens in my area. 真的,今天和年齡都賺一美元,但我們在我的地區確實有社區花園。
 Sad but true.
Now they rot in bags.
amazing how we just take all that petrol for granted.  令人驚訝的是我們把所有的汽油視為理所當然。
they're apples, not oil.
I was talking about the plastic bags that they will rot in.  我在說那些會腐爛的塑膠袋。
I leave them and the birds love them.
No they don't.  不,他們不知道。
they don't what you're thoughts are on the matter?  他們不是什麼.... 在乎你對這件事有什麼想法?
it's ok Karen.. not everything is an attack on you.  沒事 Karen.. 不是每件事都是攻擊你。
yes, they do.
I’ve lived in Lillehammer for six years.
And yes, they do …  是的,他們有。
People are picking apples, cherries and plums from my back yard and all I ask is don't break the branches plus there is blackberries as well.  人們在我家後院摘蘋果、櫻桃和李子,我只問不要斷枝,加上還有黑莓。
People in the United States of America do that too. It’s a very nice way to help homeless people get something to eat as well.  美利堅合眾國的人也會這樣做。 幫助無家可歸的人也能得到東西吃,這是一個非常好的方法。
I did that regularly when I lived in Yorkshire. Our garden had a tree of excellent Bramley's - and far too many for us to consume.  我住在約克夏時經常這樣做。 我們的花園有一棵非常棒的布萊姆利樹 - 太多了,我們無法消耗。
I had a neighbor that did this with his lemons. He was so generous.  我有一個鄰居用他的檸檬做了這個。 他是如此慷慨。
When we sold our house a few years ago I put a notice on the internet for free board games. Porch pickup only and one family arrived and took all 22 of them. I really wanted to run out and yell at them to share but hadn't specified a limit so I didn't. Still wish I had shamed them though.  幾年前我們房子賣掉的時候,我在網路上放了免費桌遊的通知。 只有門廊取貨,一家到了,把22個全部帶走了。 我很想跑出來大吼他們分享但沒指定限動所以沒有 但仍然希望我能讓他們羞辱。
What a wonderful idea!! The world would be a better place if more adopted the ideals of helping one another!!  多麼美妙的想法!! 如果更多採用彼此幫助的理想,世界將會更美好!!
It’s ok to let some rot on the ground. Helps the insects and rodents.  讓一些在地上腐爛是可以的。 幫助昆蟲和 ro齒動物。
I do that with my oranges and I did it a couple of weeks ago with my Ruby red grapefruit.  我用我的橘子做,幾周前我用我的紅寶石紅葡萄柚做。
Our neighbour used to bring everyone on the street a bag every year.  我們鄰居曾經每年都會帶每個人上街一個袋子。
I did the same with extra citrus here in Arizona.  在亞利桑那州,我也做了多餘的柑橘。
I have seen this done in Yuma Arizona with lemons and oranges.  我在亞利桑那州尤馬看到了檸檬和橙子做的。
We have people in our neighborhood who do kinda like this with vegetables and herbs...they post on our community Facebook and generally out them on the front porch.  我們附近有些人這樣用蔬菜和草藥... 他們在我們的社群Facebook上發佈貼文,通常是在前廊上出去。
Would love to see this! As a senior, I can no longer afford food. I pick up a few items from a food bin & friends help me out. I grow berries & cherries but animals & people usually strip them before I even taste them.these days. I rarely have access to fish fruits & veggies. They are now a rare treat!  很想看到這個! 身為一個前輩,我已經吃不起食物了。 我從一個食物箱拿到一些物品,朋友幫幫我。 我種植莓果和櫻桃,但動物和人們通常在我還沒品嘗之前剝掉它們。 這些日子。 我很少吃魚水果和蔬菜。 他們現在是罕見的招待!
Between the greed of people in America taking it all for themselves or to sell, and the fact that it's way too easy to sue someone, this sadly wouldn't work in America.  在美國的人們的貪婪之間,把這一切都拿去為自己或賣掉,以及起訴某人太容易,這可悲的是在美國不會有用。
not necessarily true, I know for a fact that people put food in a drop box in their neighborhood and encourage people to take what they need and to put food in the box to help out with.
I’ve seen it for the past few years and no one has taken all of the food at once. And if they do then they may have needed it.  未必係事實,我知道人們將食物放入附近的投遞箱,並鼓勵人們拿走所需的東西,並將食物放入箱子中幫助。
這幾年我都看過,沒有人一次吃光光。 如果他們這麼做,他們可能會需要它。
how bloody sad is that? America! And they they’re the best country in the world!  那有多悲傷? 美國! 他們是世界上最好的國家!
Apples aren't expensive and putting them in a bag isn't necessarily an invitation to help one's self...  蘋果不貴,放在袋子裡也不一定是幫助自己的邀請函...
How many people have apple trees that produce those kind of "store" sized apples in their yard though? We have 5 apple trees in our yard. Only 1 produces edible green granny smith apples. I'm sure if I pruned it the apples would be more fruitful.  有多少人在他們院子裡生產那種「店」大小的蘋果樹? 我們院子裡有5棵蘋果樹。 只有1個生產可食用的綠奶奶史密斯蘋果。 我確定如果我修剪了,蘋果會更豐盛。
I always share the extras from the garden. People appreciate it so much.  我總是分享花園的臨時演員。 人們非常欣賞。
I had a huge amount of apricots when we lived in Eastern Washington. I would bag them up and take them to the food bank.  我們住在華盛頓東部的時候,我有很多杏色。 我會把他們包起來帶到食物銀行。
Excellent idea for apples as well as other fruits and veggies grown!  蘋果以及其他種植的蔬果的絕佳創意!
I think it's hilarious that ppl think the homeless travel to the country for a bag of apples.  我覺得人們覺得無家可歸者為了一袋蘋果而到國內旅行真是太搞笑了。
One time when my daughter and I were taking a long walk, she was maybe 11, we came upon an apple tree. It was near the edge of the property line so we walked up to get a couple of apples. The homeowner came upon us with such rage I didn't think neither me or my daughter would ever eat apples again!  有一次,我和女兒在散步時,她可能11歲,我們走上了一棵蘋果樹。 就在地產線邊緣,所以我們走上去拿幾顆蘋果。 屋主如此憤怒地襲擊我們,沒想到我和我女兒都不會再吃蘋果了!
I use every apple and pear my trees produce. Most ppl don't want to take the time to do all the processing required.  我用我的樹上所生產的每一顆蘋果和梨子。 大多數人不想花時間做所有所需的處理。
Wonderful idea and nice of farmers to do this for people who can't afford them!  很棒的想法和農民的好,可以為買不起的人做這件事!
I do something similar with our excess citrus in the winter. We put it in a box with a sign. (Phoenix).  我在冬天和我們多餘的柑橘類做了類似的事。 我們把它放在一個有標誌的盒子裡。 (鳳凰城)。
the City should plant fruit trees so anyone can grab one if they want it.  城市應該種植果樹,如果想要,任何人都可以搶一棵。


This humpback whale survived being cut up by a boat propeller. He is now called Blade Runner.


I guess the salt in the water cleaned the wound. It couldn't have hit any vital organs. Pure agony for the poor thing.  我猜水中的鹽清理了傷口。 它不可能打中任何重要器官。 純粹對可憐的痛苦。

I always hope they will figure out to get out of the way.  我一直希望他們能想辦法讓開。
Poor baby - people make me sick
: ( hoping it wasn’t intentional ….  可憐的寶貝 - 人們讓我噁心
face of death did the ropeller human on purpose but check.. shit...  死亡的面孔是人類故意的,但檢查一下.. 狗屎...
Salt water can heal skin quickly. And of course with whales they have very thick skin to begin with! Cool name!  鹽水可以快速療癒皮膚。 當然還有鯨魚,他們的臉皮非常厚! 很酷的名字!
Should have named it blade swimmer…  應該取名刀泳者...
Those saying humans are so bad and thoughtless..... how many boat rides you been on?  那些說人類是如此壞又無思..... 你坐過多少船?
none in the ocean.
so whale lives only matter? To hell with the bass and blue gills right??????  所以鯨魚的生命只重要? 去死的低音和藍色鬼頭?????
a lot, probably more than i can count. i live in a fishing village in alaska lol  很多,可能比我能數的多。 我住在阿拉斯加的一個漁村哈哈
not only that, how many tens of thousands of products have they bought that had to be shipped or barged by boat. We're all responsible.  不僅如此,他們買了多少上萬件要運送或船運的產品。 我們都有責任。
on point with this.
i only eat apples that i grow.
Poor guy. He must have been in so much pain, for so long. Pleased he made it through a horrible ordeal.  可憐的傢伙。 他一定痛苦了這麼久。 很高興他度過了可怕的磨難。
its Fake....look it Up....
No, you provide the cite. You don't just say "iTs FaKe Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH". If you say it's fake then you need to provide where you heard that from because I can't find a single thing of this being "fake".
In fact I found even more photos of the whale.  不是,你提供的。 你不要隨便說「iTs FaKe Do YoUr OwN rEsEeaRch」。 如果你說這是假的,那麼你需要提供你從哪裡聽到的,因為我找不到任何一件事是「假的」。
85-year-old driver faces charges for running down BC teens over "Nikky Nikky Nine Doors" prank
The way she threw her shoes
CHAOS as Police take Suspect into Custody after Decomposing Woman's Body fount on NYC Sidewalk
got away with galloway
When Celebrities Meet Their Lookalikes!
英語:Sicario,西班牙語發音:[si.ˈka.ɾjo])是一部2015年美國犯罪驚悚片,由丹尼·維勒納夫執導,泰勒·謝里丹撰寫劇本,其主演包括艾蜜莉·布朗、班尼 ...
Chief Neil Daniels was the Central Intelligence Agency's Station Chief in Madrid, Spain, and former head supervising training officer and recruiter for the ...
Neil Daniels | The Bourne Directory - Fandom
in critical condition  病情危急
Valley Village homeowner shoots suspect during alleged break-in
LAPD: homeowner shoots at attempted burglars
Woman attacked in road rage incident in West Seattle
Suspects bail on foot after high-speed chase through Mid-City ends in crash
carter riggs
Stolen car pursuit ends with crash on 91 Freeway in South LA

Thing: Behind The Scenes | Wednesday | Netflix
As an engineer what should are do to resolve this problem
You should fix your English grammar first.
This is FB. AH. . .
yes, it is FB. Where we all communicate via typing. God forbid people do it correctly.
just kidding.
OK. Good. Hard to tell nowadays. Lol
after fixing the grammar that you read and understood???
read between the lines is what I do to understand the sentence.  字裡行間閱讀是我做的才能理解這句話。
mali din sentence construction mo. Wala ka pa punctuations. At anong "the" sentence. It should be "a" sentence. Tungaw
mali din 句子建築 mo。 Wala ka pa 標點。 在anong "the"句子。 應該是「一」句。 東納夫
An interesting way to recycle old tyres.
An interesting way to recycle old tyres.

You have to wonder why they bothered instead of just continuing until they reached the wall.  你必須想知道他們為什麼會困擾,而不是繼續直到他們到達牆。

that is for sure.
every body on that job is a sub- contractor they can have any job they are prepared to be the cheapest price, the chippy, the wall board installer, the plasterer, the painter, they all have another job lined up straight after.
Nobody gets paid if they ate delayed
And they can't be late to their next job or they will lose it.
What you have to do in that case is use the materials provided in the way the plan shows and someone maybe you will be paid to fix it.
This is the major problem when customers shop big ticket items by price.
The tradies involved here will go bankrupt if they do the right thing.  他們可以有任何工作,他們準備好是最便宜的價格,切片、壁板安裝工、塗料工、油漆工,他們都有另一個工作直接排隊。
Time out? A place to go to put yourself in time out.  停止了? 可以讓自己及時去的地方。
yes if you’re flat Stanley.  是的,如果你是平坦的史丹利。
Is green a good color for a ca
Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure. . .






Hello all, long time listener, first time caller.

The steps up to the loft space at my new place, which is now my home office.

Witch stairs.  女巫樓梯。
Pretty cool huh? I’ve seen ones like that.  很酷吧? 我見過這樣的。 
Hope ya insurance is paid up. Lol  希望你的保險可以付清。 哈哈 
It’s like a ladder, but safer.
See em on old boats from time to time too. 時不時在老船上看到他們。
I twisted my ankle just looking at this.  光看這個就扭到腳踝。
 believe this is done because a greater rise-to-run is permitted in this scenario and if there is limited space for a stair it may be the best option.  我相信這是因為在這種情景中允許更大的上升運行,如果樓梯空間有限,那可能是最好的選擇。
it's actually done because of superstition.  其實是因為迷信而做的。
Old classroom desks.  老教室書桌。
My friend has those to her attic. She won't use them! They're definitely something to get used to!  我的朋友把那些放在她的閣樓上。 她不會使用的! 他們絕對是值得習慣的!
I'd be dead!  我死定了!
I dont hate them but I don't want to walk up them either.  我不討厭他們,但我也不想走上他們。
Bet sleepy Joe could still fall up them.  打賭困了喬仍然可以摔倒他們。
They work if both your knees work, but if only one can lift you, they are useless.  如果你的膝蓋都有用,但如果只有一個人能舉起你,他們就沒用了。
Witch Stairs.  女巫樓梯。
I don't trust it, but looks good.  我不信任,但看起來不錯。
for flat butts only.  只適用於平屁股。
Better than a ladder.. but if you want furniture up there, options are limited.  比梯子好.. 但如果你想要家具,選擇有限。
Space saver stairs.  空間節省樓梯。
many drunken nights trying to remember which foor first!  多個醉酒夜晚試圖記住邊個foor先!  Another example of why I tell people I’m Canadian…..



not true. Cow eggs are black and white.

Oh it's all spelled correctly.  哦,都拼對了。
No way, it's better after eating the box.
Finally after all these years I can finally eat a piece of pizza.
The dumping down of America.


How about "Not a wife, happy life!"

no husband, no need to pretend!  不用假裝!
Silly boy.
Amanda DeLassus
Linda Sherrill No. A very smart man. Women aren’t entitled to marriage.  不是。一個非常聰明的人。 女性沒有結婚權。
entitled  有權做…的;為所欲為的。en glish
Colleen Gregory Lindsey
Amanda DeLassus And every man who feels that way should have a husband!  而每個有這種感覺的男人都應該有一個丈夫!
Colleen Gregory Lindsey no. Just because we choose not to be married or in a relationship, doesn't mean we're gay. It just means we're over being ripped off and manipulated by women. MGTOW is growing for a reason.  不。 只是因為我們選擇不結婚或戀愛,並不代表我們是同性戀,只是意味著我們已經過了被女人撕開和操弄。 MGTOW 成長是有原因的。
MGTOW  男人自行之路(英語:Men Going Their Own Way),簡稱米格道(MGTOW,/ˈmɪɡtaʊ/),是一場以網站、論壇和社交媒體等虛擬社區為平台、以匿名男性用戶為主體、倡導男性解放和自我所有權為口號的男性主義運動,致力於告誡男人杜絕與女人發生嚴肅認真的戀愛關係,特別是婚姻關係。
He has the right idea! Go, man, go!  有正確的主意!
Monique Chenard
I am sure she is just as happy.  她一樣開心。
Not what Bob Marley meant with his “No Woman, No Cry” song.  鮑勃·馬利與他的《No Woman, No Cry》歌曲的意思不是。
Bro is wise..  兄弟是英明的..
Sounds depressing.  聽起來很沮喪。
Left, or Right handed?  左手還是右手?
you can only get laid if you’re married?  你只有結婚了才能被安裝嗎?
get laid  發生性關係。
get laid off  解僱,解聘,下崗, 停工期;歇工期, (足球比賽中)喂球。
you can only get laid if you're NOT married.
that sounds like a you problem.
ask every married guy.
Before marriage, daily
During Marriage 8 times in 10 years
After marriage Bi monthly until we both partnered up.
he’ll get more being single!  他會越來越單身!
This goes both ways lol  這雙向奔赴哈哈。
where’s your sticker that rhymes with husband?  你和丈夫押韻的貼圖在哪裡?
I would rather find a dedicated loving lady who would respect & love me as certainly would her. What a happy dream come true that would be..  我寧願找一個敬業有愛的女士,她肯定會尊重&愛我。 多麼開心的夢想成真。
not always a dream. 42 years married. We are friends first. Same interests for the most part.  不總是夢。 結婚42年。 我們先是朋友。 大部分的興趣都相同。
Wow ...must be ,awesome.
39 years here but we have few things in common except for faith, love and respect.  在這裡 39 年,但我們除了信仰、愛和尊重之外,很少有共同點。
There you go.  那就好。
I’m sure he’ll be happy for a long time.  我相信他會開心很久。
Jen Jen
Who hurt you?
Why does he feel the need to broadcast it?  為什麼他覺得有必要播?
it's like when some people get religion. They feel they need to tell everyone.  就像有些人得到宗教。 他們覺得他們需要告訴所有人。
Too funny!
I applaud marriage and two mature grateful people together!!
If it’s not that, there’s a lot of criticism and complaining and overpowering decisions.  太搞笑了!
Damn! Rosy be blistering.  該死的! Rosy 要起泡。
How about "Not a wife, happy life!"  不如「不是老婆,快樂生活!」 "
Amen Brother.
Smart man.
I am sure the women are happy about it too.  我相信女人也很開心。
For her, not you.
the three "Fs". if it flies, floats or fuc-s. rent it!  三個Fs。 如果它會飛,漂浮或者是fuc-s。 租吧!
That's his excuse for no women wanting him.  這是他沒有女人想要他的藉口。
well he could get a husband.  好吧,他可以得到一個丈夫。
You go get a husband.
Speak for youself Al Bundy.  為你自己說話,艾爾邦迪。
Hey!...That Rhymes!!! Like...Been Married Twice...Got Some ADVICE!!!!!!!!  嘿!... 那韻律!!! 就像... 結婚兩次... 有一些廣告!!!!!!
Settling is the worst for sure.  肯定是最糟糕的。
Good on ya-  太好了...
Never had an adult relationship with an intelligent woman. Easy.  從未和聰明的女人發生過成年人關係。 放鬆。
oh that's sad.
"I'm so happy i need to make it public!".
Sorry for you, man.
Where u gonna plug ur D ma man...!  你要把你的D男人塞在哪裡...!
wherever you want.
Hearing all these 4 times divorcee stories, I think life really is better single. Way less drama (not that there isn’t any), no expectations, full liberation, no obligations, just live and do what you like your way without judgement 🙂 I’ve come to really love my solitude and peace and you have to be a truly incredible person for me to want to break that.  Taylor Sandford
聽到這4次離婚故事,我覺得單身生活更好。 少點戲劇(並不是說沒有),沒有期待,完全解放,沒有義務,只要沒有評判的生活,做自己喜歡的事(:我來真的愛我的孤獨和平靜,你必須成為一個真正不可思議的我,才能想打破 那。
The death symbol in the back window may give us a clue.  後窗的死亡符號可能給我們一個線索。
Exactly! Guys, stop asking me to merry you are y’all suicidal?  正是! 夥計們,別再叫我快樂你們了你們都是自殺嗎?
No woman no cry!  女人不哭! 
Dumb a$s  呆呆的。
Good for that lady driving lol  對那位開車的女士真好哈哈
Oil and water, fire and gunpowder. Congratulations to those who can make it work. Some of us are not as talented.  油和水,火和火藥。 恭喜那些能讓它成功的人。 我們中有些人不如天才。
Is that a good advertisement for a date?
Do I sense a sour puss?? 我感覺到一種酸酸的麻麻嗎??
Welp, I'm convinced. 哎呀,我深信。
Yeah, I’d like to see how bad he lost in the settlement to be this petty… 是的,我想看看他在定居區輸得多糟糕,才能成為這麼小人...
Score.  得分。
Please she's happier without having to raise someone else's little boy.  拜託,不用養別人的小男孩她更快樂。
One more happy woman in the world.
Oh how funny; an AI generated picture.  哦,真有趣;AI生成的圖片。
Never getting laid.  永遠不會被上架。
I was 29 when I met my wife in 1988. I had chased one helluva lot of women in my bachelor days, and although I'm not a handsome man, I caught quite a few. None of them made me feel comfortable like my wife does. Something clicked. I knew I could count on her in tough times. My momma raised me right, and when I met this brunette farm girl, I really got lucky! 35 years now she has done everything she could do to help build a happy home. She gave me a clean, hardworking son and we have 2 grandsons. My point is, if a person wants a life partner, they are out there, you might have to weed your way through a lot of crap to find them. Orrr, you can be a dumbass and put a stupid sticker on your truck and be intimate with Thumbelina and her 4 ugly sisters for the rest of your life...  1988年我遇見我妻子時29歲。 在我的單身漢時代我追過一個helluva的女人,雖然我不是個帥哥,但我抓了不少。 沒有一個像我妻子那樣讓我舒服。 有些東西點擊了。 我知道我可以在艱難的時刻依靠她。 我媽媽把我養得對,遇到這個黑髮農場女孩,我真的好幸運! 35 年了,她已經竭盡所能幫助建立一個幸福的家。 她給我一個乾淨、勤奮的兒子,我們有兩個孫子。 我的意思是,如果一個人想要一個人生伴侶,他們就在外面,你可能要用很多垃圾除草才能找到他們。 或者,你可以當個笨蛋,在你的卡車上貼個笨蛋貼紙,和拇指姑娘和她的4個醜妹妹親密一輩子...
Oh,I don't know. I am very happy being married to my terrific wife.  哦,我不知道。 我很高興能娶到我可怕的妻子。
Same here!
Marriage is an institution just like Alcatraz.  婚姻就是像惡魔島一樣的制度。
If you don't like your wife, you should've thought about that before you made a lifelong commitment to her.  如果你不喜歡你的妻子,在你對她作出終身承諾之前,你應該想過這個。
No hubby life is Bubbly.  沒有老公的生活是泡泡。
If I knew then what I know now.  如果我知道,那我現在知道的事。
Good for them. Do what makes you happy.  對他們真好。 做讓你開心的事。

repulsed  推開, 趕走,驅逐;擊退(尤指進攻);拒絕,拒絕接受, 不喜歡, 令人厭惡;使人反感, 擊退;敗退;拒絶。
Same, buddy. Same. . . . . 
yeah you gotta clean that tongue coz only lawd knows ..
You got that right. . .
Hello love🥰, I'm feeling something special about your past life and your lovely life🌗can you mesaage me for Full private reading my beloved 💖?  
massage me I’m ready
I’ll show you some babs.
right, no offense here lol
yet they want to live in my house.
rent free too...
and they dig in my leftovers. 他們在我的剩菜裡挖
I know how they feel. They probably have leg sanitiser as well.
hey are you a country man ?
hey do you mind sending a friend request or a Dm so that we’ll have more time to chat and get to know each other.
Cat Wilcox
Lovia Sezy is Scammer.
Peter Dwyer, don’t do itttttt. . . . 
Peter Dwyer
Lovia Sezy I'm busy with my cockroach mates.
and hand sanitizers too and facial wash.  還有洗手液和洗面乳。
Catherine Ott
My cat does that too. He does love to be touched, but then immediately starts to clean. Lol
as for cats, that s because they want to taste their beloved owner.  Catherine Ott 至於貓,因為他們想品嚐他們心愛的主人。
dint get the humor but anyway...
it's because of the oils from our skin, they don't like it.  因為我們皮膚的油,所以他們不喜歡它。
now if they would all go away!
Well. Go f@$k yourselves...I hate you more! 嗯。 你自己去吧... 我更恨你! 
exactly sick ba$tards.
Don't worry lil cucaracha you should have no worry of me trying to touch you.  別擔心小卡拉查,你應該不用擔心我試圖摸你。cucaracha. . . 
Cockroaches are the cleaners of our society. They clean up all the mess we leave behind. Wonderful creatures.
ill take ants and maggots before roaches!  在蟑螂之前,我會吃螞蟻和蛆.(菱角)!
a creature like a very small worm that is found in decaying meat and other foods and later develops into a fly · 蛆. (maggot在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的 ...
chicken nuggets
A mother claims she and her toddler daughter unknowingly ate maggots after buying a packet of McDonald's Chicken McNuggets.  一位母親聲稱,她和她蹣跚學步的女兒在買了一包麥當勞麥樂雞後,不知不覺地吃了蛆蟲。
A MUM was left horrified after claiming her toddler ate maggot-riddled Chicken McNuggets – just a day after a McDonald's cheeseburger ...
On closer inspection, Molyneux realized the rotten chicken was covered in maggots as well as mold, leaving him feeling "sick to the stomach.".
A Salamander Bay McDonald's customer bought a six-pack of chicken nuggets; After eating five of them she noticed maggots wriggling on the one ...  Salamander Bay 麥當勞的一位顧客購買了六包雞塊; 吃了五個之後,她發現其中一個上有蛆蟲蠕動…






















可能是 1 人和火車的圖像

all the recent media coverage about young people not giving up their seats to elderly.. i witnessed this today.
old lady, taking up 3 seats, reserved for elderly.  there were people standing that could have sat there.  she didn't care.

最近所有媒體有關年輕人不讓座給老人家的報導.. 我今天目睹了這個。
老太太,佔了3個位子,保留給老人。 有人站著可以坐在那裡。 她不在乎。

Old and young debate is tiring. This could be anyone no matter the age.
Recently 2 high school girls took up seats for up to 3 hours for friends who didn’t show up. As an example
When you age, you will be the new face of old..    老少辯論很累。 這可能是任何人無論年齡。
最近有2名高中女生為未到場的朋友佔了座位長達3小時。 為例

If you want to sit, just ask her. Be polite.

er... If she has the audacity to act this way,
I think politeness would not help
Can't you sense her determination defending the elderly-is-king rule?
Just stay away, keep away. . . . .   呃... 如果她有這種行為的膽量,
uh no. It’s called being an adult and using your mouth to respectfully and politely communicate with other adults. It’s possible to work things out and figure things out without devolving into primate status.   呃不。 這叫做成年人,用嘴巴尊重、禮貌地與其他成年人溝通。 可以在不投入靈長類身份的情況下解決事情和搞清楚事情。
Old folks fought back!
Be sympathetic, sensitive, polite, and thoughtful.
We are citizens of a civilised society, aren't we?!
Sweet and sour revenge.   酸甜的復仇
Old and young debate is tiring. This could be anyone no matter the age.
Recently 2 high school girls took up seats for up to 3 hours for friends who didn’t show up. As an example
When you age, you will be the new face of old..   老少辯論很累。 這可能是任何人無論年齡。
最近有2名高中女生為未到場的朋友佔了座位長達3小時。 為例
No matter young or old, why is anybody so selfish it’s beyond me.  不管年輕人還是老人,為什麼有人這麼自私,這已經超越我了
 Old battle-axe.  老戰斧。
What’s wrong with her? Shame on her.
Then why didn’t you say something? You’re quick to speak up on social media but I bet you you’re terrified to say something in real life. Sad people these days that run is social media soft horrification, but can’t stand up for themselves in real life.  那你為什麼不說些什麼? 你很快地在社交媒體上發言,但我敢打賭,你很害怕在現實生活中說些什麼。 悲傷的人們,這些日子跑步是社交媒體軟性恐怖,但在現實生活中無法為自己站出來。
That's good! The young will understand, definitely. Life is a cycle. When the young grow old if given a chance, then they too will experience what the seasoned experience. If they don't treat me/us well, they will not be treated well if and when they grow old. It's the sowing and reaping principle.   太棒了! 年輕人肯定會懂的。 生命是一種循環。 當年輕人變老,如果給予機會,他們也會體驗到什麼樣的體驗。 如果他們不善待我/我們,他們老了也不會被善待。 這是播種和收割的原則。
Maybe she is being nice and doesn't want to help spread an unknown communicable disease. You can just ask politely.   也許她人很好,不想幫忙傳播不明的病。 你可以禮貌地問。
Wait for the train to stop and. . . . 
That's why some say "It's not people getting old and become selfish, it's just selfish people getting old. "   這就是為什麼有人說「不是人老了變自私,只是自私的人變老了。 "
Oh fffs. She can sit there. Oh here is an idea, instead of taking a photo and posting it , howabout politely asking and saying excuse me , “ may I sit here?” If the lady moved the bags .. then this case is null n void. Context people, context.    哦,兄弟。 她可以坐在那裡。 哦,這裡有一個想法,與其拍照並發佈,不如禮貌地問一下,並且對不起,「我可以坐在這裡嗎?」 ”如果女士搬了包包.. 那麼這個案子是空白的。 背景人物,背景。
Look at us fighting over the pettiest of crap..
What about the aholes who are laughing at all of this?  看看我們為了最小的廢物而奮鬥..
If you can WORK FROM HOME, please let me know because we have a lot of openings. You can also work around your children as well (background noise is fine!) It’s what we do,it's also available for students.如果你可以在家工作,請告訴我,因為我們有很多空缺。 也可以在孩子身邊工作(背景噪音可以! )這是我們所做的,學生也可以使用。
I sometimes seat on the floor tho.
It’s really annoying, we all know but we can’t change their stubborn mind!😔😔
Shame on them, and that is 華人,
Don’t want to say that but 華人all like that.  真的很討厭,我們都知道,但我們無法改變他們固執的思想! 😔😔
Someone said ask her for a seat politely.
as I know, that kind of people will be mad and say NOOOOO~~~~
We call the response “見笑轉生氣”
She feels ashamed and turns to be angry.
Who am I,
If it’s me, what I can do is taking a photo or video and post it on the social media.
I’m so sorry about that, but welcome to TAIWAN.    有人說禮貌地向她要座位。
We call the response “見笑轉生氣”
Every where have good and bad people. Can’t control every body lol . Just brush it off.  任何地方都有好人和壞人。 控制不了每個身體 哈哈。 刷掉。
Did you ask her for a seat and she rejected you or just intend to stir a debate based on a picture?  你有沒有跟她要座位,她拒絕了你,還是只是打算根據一張照片引起辯論?
Jackie wu says
“who cares “
i in-counter this often in the train mostly old lady do this.haha  我經常在火車上遇到這種情況,大多是老太太會這樣做。 哈哈
I wouldn't care for myself, I'm strong, but if my mother-in-law was with us, I'd ask her politely if she could sit there. If she declined, I'd toss all her stuff up the train and take the seats.  我不會照顧自己,我很堅強,但如果婆婆跟我們在一起,我會禮貌的問她能不能坐在那裡。 如果她拒絕了,我會把她所有的東西扔上火車,坐位。

Damn it . . . ! ! . . . 又被 4% “ 嘴 “ 中惹 . . . .

可能是 3 個人、新聞中心和文字的圖像


Billie Eilish - BIRDS OF A FEATHER (Music Video)

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高捷爆博愛座糾紛 23歲男遭2長者斥責毆打【最新快訊】

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What would you do if you casually saw Thing Addams? Wednesday Addams released our newly famed appendage in New York City.

Coin drop episode 7 ….you won’t stop laughing   3:03 that's a good one

The Pretenders - I'll Stand By You [MV]

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Extreme Heat Weather London Walk || Summer Walk 🇬🇧








Your page is at risk of being permanently deleted. We have received
report from a business that your site is in violation
image copyright.  你的頁面有被永久刪除的風險。 我們已經收到



Is green a good color for a car?

可能是顯示的文字是「 Look at my new clean, green car! STATION COAL-FIRED ማ POWER STATION CITY ITYLANDER LANDER 乳」的圖像


Electric cars are a better use of fossil fuel than other cars. They are just that much more efficient. The problem is with production of electric cars.  電動車比其他車更好使用化石燃料。 它們的效率高得多。 問題是電動車的生產。

Or more specificly lithium batteries.  或更具體的鋰電池。

Which have an infinite life unlike gasoline that after all the energy expended in making it and transporting it, is used only the once.  與汽油不同的是,在製造和運輸所有的能量後,只使用一次。 

1000 charge cycles. That's the about the max you can get from lithium batteries. Until we develop better recycling tech.  1000 充電循環。 這就是關於從鋰電池得到的最大。 直到我們開發更好的回收技術。

Or maybe it's 10,000 either way there is a finite life to batteries. But the electric motor and other components are much more durable.  或者不管哪種方式都是10,000的電池壽命。 但電動馬達和其他零組件耐用多了。

One flaw with electric cars that not many talk about is how heavy they are. This causes additional wear to the road surface and they also burn through tires pretty quick because of this. On average they weigh 30 percent more.  電動車有一個缺陷,話唔多,就係有多重。 這會造成路面的額外磨損,而且它們也因此很快地透過輪胎燒傷。 平均它們的重量多了30%。

my model 3 performance weighs less than my 2015 jeep Cherokee. Should suvs be banned? They don’t wear out tires from the weight, they wear out tires due to instant torque.  我的model 3 性能比我 2015 年吉普車切羅基還少。 suvs應該被禁止嗎? 他們不會從重量中磨損輪胎,而是因為瞬間扭力而磨損輪胎。

California about to get a new tax lol special for electric car owners.  加州即將獲得新的稅金,哈哈,電動車主特別的。

wisconsin started it 😂 cheaper to put 12k plates on a dually now.  wisconsin 開始的 😂 現在每天放 12k 盤子更便宜。

If you think that it's going to stop at California, then you are sadly mistaken. Give it time. I wonder how many taxes it's going to take before we decide that it's time for a revolution.  如果你認為它要停在加州,那麼你就很遺憾地誤會了。 給時間。 在決定革命的時候之前,我想知道要花多少稅。

Soo true! I can’t believe the green police don’t make the connection.  太真實了! 我真不敢相信綠警不做關聯。

My car is green, apple green, a Mitsubishi Space Star.  我的車是綠色的,蘋果綠色的,三菱太空之星。

That reminds me of a song but I can't pull it in.  這讓我想起一首歌,但我拉不進去。

Sublime green is good!  崇高的綠色很好!

Show a lithium mine with child labor to build batteries.  展示一個用童工的鋰礦來建造電池。

Well it is green.  好吧,它是綠色的。

Nuclear would be a better solution.  核會是更好的解決方案。

best solution. Not used because big money put it down.  最佳解決方案。 沒有用,因為大錢放下。

Only if it's Aston Martin green.  只要是阿斯頓·馬丁綠色。

“First get your facts straight, then distort them at your leisure” -Mark Twain.  「首先搞清楚你的事實,然後閒暇時扭曲它們」-馬克·吐溫。

Those are nuclear power plant cooling towers…  那些是核電廠冷卻塔...

Coal only accounts for 11% energy production.  煤只佔能源11%。

1.2% in the UK.  

40 percent in the usa.

you're confusing coal and natural gas. Natural gas accounts for 40%.  你在混淆煤和天然氣。 天然氣佔40%。

This is electricity production, not just broad energy production.  這是電力生產,不只是廣泛能源生產。

I haul coal for a living to coal generation plants The bosses says it’s 40 percent coal. Most of the power is sold to nyc and nj.  我把煤為生存到煤炭生成的工廠。老闆們說它是40%的煤。 大部分的權力都賣給nyc和nj。

There's a big difference in "someone told me" and actually looking at the numbers. Coal is old technology as far as electricity production in the states. Not nearly as efficient cost and burn wise as natural gas. Have you actually looked it up?  實際看數字有很大的不同 至於各州的電力生產,煤炭是舊的技術。 並不像天然氣那樣高效的成本和燃燒明智。 你真的查過了嗎?

look up peck power it’s 6 months out of the year. 3 in winter and 3in summer. I believe you did your homework. The information isn’t accurate. My information isn’t from a news line I get mine from people who are in the industry.  查看 Peck 力量,今年已經有 6 個月了。 冬天3,夏天3。 我相信你做了功課。 資訊不準確。 我的資訊不是來自新聞線,我從業界的人身上得到我的資訊。

so you say 60 percent is fosile fules ???  所以你說60%是fosile fules???

I'm not saying anything. I'm just regurgitating the data because you're apparently not able to look it up.  我沒在說什麼 我只是在重複資料,因為你顯然無法查看。

The green color does work. Especially if it’s a Camaro, a Firebird, Charger, vintage T-Bird, a Bullitt Mustang, a Challenger, a 57 Chevy, the Chevy Bel Airs, a Neon Green for a Plymouth Roadrunner, a Jeep, or a similar old school muscle car. The old works well with the color green.
But f*** 🔋ies.  綠色確實有用。 尤其是卡馬羅、火鳥、充電器、復古T-Bird、Bullitt野馬、挑戰者、57雪佛蘭、雪佛蘭貝爾航空隊、普利茅斯路跑選手的霓虹綠、吉普車或類似的老派肌肉車。 舊的顏色綠色很好用。

I like how they're pushing everybody to get electric cars but then they're sending letters telling everybody to conserve power because their 50 year old power grid can't support  我喜歡他們推著每個人拿電動車的樣子,但然後他們發信告訴每個人節省電力,因為他們50年的電網無法支撐。 哈哈

they don't send those letters here in Germany.  他們不會在德國寄那些信。

you guys probably update your power grids.america here is like a 3rd world country posing as a first world country lol  你們大概更新電網了。 這裡的美國就像是一個假扮成第一個世界國家的第三個世界國家 哈哈

Brandon’s build back better program didn’t build anything and nothing got better. It all got worse.  Brandon 的建立回更好的計劃並沒有建立任何東西,也沒有變得更好。 一切變得更糟。

They asked people to conserve power in the 80's with letters. I remember growing up the utilities would ask people not to turn on high draw appliances during peak usage times.  他們用字母要求人們在80年代節省權力。 我記得長大公用事業會要求人們不要在使用高峰期開高抽器具。

Nuclear cooling towers @ coal plant ??? I'm Allright.

Nuclear power is clean and safe. That's why they use it to power navy ships.  核能乾淨安全。 這就是為什麼他們用它來發電海軍艦艇。

Most coal power stations have been moth balled.  大多數煤炭發電站都被飛蛾撲火了。

Hydrogen fuel systems with water are the future, not "green" electric.  有水的氫燃料系統是未來,不是「綠」電。

They have spent HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to make hydrogen cheaper for the last 60 years and the price has only gone up. Hydrogen costs 5 times as much as gasoline and 24 times as much as an EV. Hydrogen stations cost 10 times as much to put in and 100 times as much to operate.
To get hydrogen from water you need 4 times as much electricity as putting it in an EV and when people on this forum say the grid can't support EVs then how is it going to support something that needs 4 times as much electricity?
So, spending $190 to fill your hydrogen tank to go 300 miles in a car with the performance of a 3 cylinder kia is something you want?

60 年來,他們花了 HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS 試圖讓氫更便宜,而且價格只上漲。 氫的成本是汽油的5倍,EV的24倍。 氫站要花10倍,運作要花100倍。
要從水中獲得氫,你需要的電力是放在EV裡的 4 倍,當這個論壇上的人說電網無法支援EV,那麼那要如何支援需要 4 倍電的東西?

William Morrison

you obviously think small scale.  你明明以為尺度小。

why do you think the government wants to ban tiktok.  為什麼覺得政府要禁tiktok。

Damn you are just stupid.  你真蠢。

How many fuel cell cars where sold in 2023 versus BEV's?  與 BEV's 賣了多少輛燃油電池車?

My ‘72 Alfa Romeo GTV is painted Moss Green. A lovely shade that suits the car.  我的 '72 Alfa Romeo GTV 畫成了 Moss Green。 適合車子的可愛陰影。

Dont down grade coal power for this stupid electric fantasy.  不要為這種愚蠢的電幻想降低級煤電。

Less than 12% of power stations use Coal anywhere in North America never mind Europe. Maybe do some research.  在北美任何地方,不到12%的發電站使用煤炭,不要介意歐洲。 也許做一些研究。

This has turned into something else now completely away from the page name WTF?!?  這已經變成其他東西了,現在完全遠離頁面名稱了WTF?!?

Show this to Biden the Dummy.  把這個給拜登看。

This it how stupid the person is posting this. That's a nuclear power plant.  這就是發這個人有多蠢。 那是核電站。

Worse thing is the batteries, mining and disposal of toxic waste. What a joke!  更糟的是電池、開採和處理有毒廢料。 真是個笑話!

95% of an ev battery is recycled and remade into new batteries. The joke is that internal combustion engines are only 20-30% efficient. The rest is just heat creation, and toxic fumes.  95% 的ev 電池被回收並重製成新電池。 笑話是內燃機的效率只有20-30%。 剩下的只是熱量製造,和有毒的油煙。

the misinformation is so bad... It will take forever for people to understand. While EV's are not for every single application... I do like mine. But also have a gasser if needed..(which never gets driven) the programmed hate is crazy.  錯誤資訊太糟糕了... 人們需要永遠才能理解。 雖然 EV 不是每個應用程式都適用... 我喜歡我的。 但如果需要,也要來個gasser.. (永遠不會被驅趕)程式的仇恨是瘋狂的。

they are fantastic. I just bought a 2020 model 3 performance. I’ve been a heavy duty mechanic for 16 years. From a mechanic point of view they are fantastic! Sooooo many moving parts in ICE + transmissions.
I agree they are currently not for every application, but when battery energy density increases so will towing range etc.
Instead of associating identity with pumping fuel into a tank and listening to it make sounds. Most need to really deep dive into actual credible information / test drive one and realize, wow. Evs are just better for daily driver.  他們太棒了。 剛買了2020年model 3的性能 我當了16年的重型技工。 從技師的角度看,他們很棒! ICE + 傳輸中有太多移動零件。
而不是把身份與把燃料抽進坦克裡,聽它發出聲音。 最需要真正深入深入實際可靠的資訊/試駕一台,然後意識到,哇。 Evs 對日常司機來說更好。

exactly I have a model S performance and it's been my favorite car in a long time.. I too am a mechanic and have had all kinds of performance cars .  正確地說,我有Model S的性能,它一直是我最喜歡的車。。 我也是修車師傅,有過各種性能車。

The Saltan Sea in California is an ecological disaster area of epic scale. Cleaning it up will produce enough Lithium to produce 375 million traction batteries. That is a win-win in my book.  加州鹽坦海是史詩級規模的生態災區。 清理它將產生足夠的鋰,以生產 37500 萬顆牽引電池。 在我的書中,那是雙贏。

This is the big lie…where did you think the power came from…?  這就是大謊言... 你覺得力量是從哪裡來的...?

Well when the grid is gone enjoy ur walks cuz with no power u ain't charging unless u got a solar panel in ur ass.  好吧,當電網消失了,享受你的行走,沒有電力,除非你屁股有太陽能板,否則你不會充電。

An Ev car is much more efficient even when charged by the least efficient means compared to a gas car.. crap like this is as stupid as Trump saying climate change is a Chinese Hoax.. just bullshit.  比起油車,Ev車,即使用最低效率的手段充電也要高效得多。 這樣的垃圾就像川普說氣候變化是中國的惡作一樣愚蠢。 只是胡扯。

Piece of junk.  一塊垃圾。

Not this old chestnut AGAIN? Apart from being wholly inaccurate it is getting extremely tiresome. This page is for muscle cars not misinformation.  又不是這個老栗子了? 除了完全不準確之外,它越來越累。 本頁面為肌肉車而不是錯誤資訊。

I agree. I think we should report this group. It's only Anti EV propaganda.  我同意。 我認為我們應該檢舉這個群組。 只是反EV宣傳。

Luckily not ONLY anti propaganda, just an inordinate amount of it it. You’d think the OP has an inferiority complex or something. Personally I think EVs are a great idea and at the same time I have every intention of running my 4 V8s for as long as I live. That might not always be on gasoline, it might be on synthetics but I certainly don’t feel threatened. But then I just like cars - whatever powers them.

幸運地不是只有反宣傳,只是不平常的它。 你會認為OP有自卑情結之類的。 我個人認為EV是個很棒的想法,同時我有每一個用心只要活著就要經營我的4輛V8。 那可能不總是在汽油上,也可能在合成上,但我當然不會覺得受到威脅。 但後來我就是喜歡汽車 - 不管是什麼動力。

I also like both types of cars! But constantly bashing EV's is as dumb as always bashing ice cars!  兩種車我也喜歡! 但不斷地撞EV,就像一直撞冰車一樣蠢!

Is green a good color for a ca

Coal plants aren't dirty.  煤廠並不髒。

So you are saying we should get rid of coal power plants?  所以你是說我們應該把煤電廠除掉?

yes, and go nuclear.  是的,然後去核。

too late most countries have got rid of them or are in the process of getting rid of them.  太晚了,大多數國家都擺脫了或正在擺脫中。 


Not sure which stick was thrown, so he got them all.  不確定哪根棍子是扔的,所以他全部都拿到了。


He's a good boy. God bless all fur babies. 

Hamish would do this!

This reminds me of my black lab I had as a child 😂 old faithful.  這讓我想起我小時候的黑人實驗室😂 老忠實

this is what our chuko used to do on the farm with the cassava sticks he would even pull out the ones we plant and fetch it and give it to us to plant again.  這是我們的chuko以前在農場裡用木薯棒做的事,他甚至會把我們種的拔出來拿出來,然後交給我們再種。

Can't remember what stick is his love it.  想不起來是什麼棍子的愛它。

We had Labrador's and part Labrador's, they were among our favorite dogs and we loved every dog no matter what their breed or whether they were pure breed or mixed breed.  我們有拉布拉多和拉布拉多的部分,他們是我們最喜歡的狗之一,不管他們是什麼品種還是純品種還是混種,我們都愛每隻狗。

This guy is gathering firewood to cook.  這傢伙正在聚集柴火做飯。 

O my gosh,he must have big jaws to hold All that. lol  我的天哪,他一定有大下巴才能撐住所有這些。 lol

So cute making sure he got the right one to keep playing.  太可愛了,確保他有正確的繼續玩。

Good boy!!! If in doubt, over gather!!!  好孩子!!! 如果有疑問,那就集合吧!!!

Hilarious and awesome picture.

He is absolutely EXQUISITE!!!!! I wish this baby was mine!!!!!  他絕對是精緻的!!!!! 我希望這個寶寶是我的!!!!!

Thought it was a giant spider at first glance.  乍看以為是巨蜘蛛。

Great pet to have when you're camping.  當你露營時擁有的好寵物。

Branch Manager.  分行經理。Not France or French.

Dogs just amaze me with the things they do.  狗狗對它們的所做的事情讓我驚訝。







    Coal plants aren't dirty.
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